Knight of the Double Eagle

The Knight of the Double Eagle is a prestigious award that recognizes members of the Des Moines Valley of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite who demonstrate significant service and unwavering dedication to the growth and support of the organization, particularly in efforts to increase participation and membership.

This award is open to all members, regardless of age, length of membership, previous honors, or offices held, emphasizing inclusivity. The program, which begins annually on January 1, serves as a platform to acknowledge those who actively contribute to the Scottish Rite’s mission and continued expansion.

Upon successful completion, the recipient shall receive a certificate recognizing him as a Knight of the Double Eagle, a Knight of the Double Eagle jewel to be worn along with his Scottish Rite cap, his name listed on the Valley website, and his name upon a Knight of the Double Eagle plaque in the Des Moines Valley library. All areas must be complete prior to December 31.

Section #1 - Required achievements:

(must accomplish 3 of the 5 achievements)

  1.  Serve as a member of a committee or a Degree team for Spring & Fall Reunions

  2.  Top-line sign one petition for the Symbolic Lodge during the year

  3.  Top-line sign one petition for the Scottish Rite during the year

  4.  Complete one Scottish Rite Master Craftsman program during year

  5.  Attend at least 3 Valley events during the calendar year not used in Section #2

Section #2 - Category achievements:

(must accomplish one achievement from each area)


  1.  Volunteer with our Masonic Youth Organizations (DeMolay or Rainbow)

  2.  Golf or volunteer at the Scottish Rite Golf Outing

  3.  Donate $100 to the Friends of the Des Moines Consistory

  4.  Donate $100 to the Iowa Scottish Rite Masonic Foundation


  1.  Attend one University of Freemasonry event

  2.  Complete an additional Scottish Rite Master Craftsman program

  3.  Watch or perform in a degree from each of the 4 bodies of the Scottish Rite

  4.  Write an article for publication by the Des Moines Valley


  1.  Bring a Scottish Rite prospect to a Showcase event

  2.  Bring a Scottish Rite prospect to a Shepheard’s Tavern event

  3.  Top line sign an additional petition to the requirement listed in Section #1

  4.  Bring the Master or a Warden of your Symbolic Lodge to the Blue Lodge Breakfast


  1.  Serve as an officer in your Symbolic lodge

  2.  Bring a prospect for Freemasonry to a kick-off event

  3.  Assist with a degree conferral at a Symbolic Lodge other than your own

  4.  Visit a Blue Lodge to invite the members to a Scottish Rite event or activity

Knight of the Double Eagle Recipients

2015: Wade E. Sheeler, 33°

2015: Timothy J. Whipple, 32° KCCH

2015: Brian M. Truex, 32° KCCH

2016: Bradley A. Reichardt, 32° KCCH

2017: Thomas D. Cox, 32° KCCH

2020: Nathaniel G. Kemmer, 32° KCCH

2021: Erik L. Brincks, 32° KCCH

2022: Shawn F. Mullihan, 32°

2022: Bryan D. Beaver, 32°

2022: Christopher D. Groom, 32°

2022: Daniel C. Tooker, 32°

2022: James M. Bump, 32°

2022: Adam W. Clemons, 32° KCCH

2023: Mitchell A. Petty, 32°

2023: Brian C. Lee, 32°

2023: Gerald J, Hollingsworth, 32° KCCH

2023: Adam J. Jones, 32° KCCH

2023: Jeffrey D. Roloff, 32°

2024: Brandon R. Foster, 32°

2024: Joseph R. White, 32°

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